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tv   Cleveland 19 News at 4PM  CBS  January 19, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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p. p live from cleveland's news pcenter, cleveland 19 news starts pnow. p>> anchor: a live look outside pthis afternoon in cleveland. pa few peeks of blue sky and sun pand lake erie snow machine is pfinally slowing down a bit. pbut, man, oh man, no relief from pthe bitter cold out there. pyes, the temperatures in the psick psingle digits. pwatch out for the bone chilling pcold as well. p>> mark: absolutely. pthere is flurries still flying paround. pbig stuff gone, at least for pnow. pmeteorologist jeff tanchak here. pfirst look at your forecast. pwhat's going on. p>> jeff: well, guys, we still phave flurries out east just to padd insult to injury. pmadison you have 20 inches of psnow on the ground.
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pdoppler and this is the last gas pof lake-effect. pthis isn't going to add up to pmuch. pit will be ending. pagain, just some flurries there peastern lake county, ashtabula pcounty. plook at this. ptemperatures actually warming pinto the upper teens to right paround 20. phere is the good news. pthe wind will continue to die pdown tonight. pso we're not going to be dealing pwith the below zero wind chills, pbut it remains cold. pwe're not going to drop too pmuch. plow to mid teens, i think, here pover night as clouds increase. pso we're dryer, i should say, ptonight and pretty quiet because pof that calmer wind. pbut there is another shot of psnow that i'm tracking, pespecially during the afternoon. pmost of us won't see much from pit. pbut in the lake enhanced areas palong the lakeshore and east of pcleveland, you could get a plittle more accumulation. pit looks dry on thursday. pthe top national weather story pcoming up at the end of the pweek. pa major east coast storm pnor'easter.
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in the east coast a whole plot of snow. pthere is a chance we could be pimpacted by it, but we're not pgoing to get a lot of snow from pit. pdetails coming up at about 4:18. pmark. p>> mark: jeff, thanks. p it's not easy being outside pin the cold, but imagine having pno other choice. p>> anchor: oh, boy, many people phave to work outside and staying poutside is tough. pair p harry boomer is one of those. pharry, how are you staying warm? p>> harry: catherine, we all pknow it was coming. pthe cold and the snow. pthe arctic blast that has hit pohio. peven with the mercury dipping pbelow what is normal, whatever pthat is these days. p>> we valet park cars for the photel here at the holiday inn pexpress. p>> harry: hanna manages a group pbraving the cold while doing ptheir jobs. p>> we like helping our guests pand even though it's cold, we pjust have to dress appropriate pand make sure we're ready for
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pbrown feels her pain. p>> it is really cold if you pdon't have the proper attire on. pactually you could get by when pyou're running, your body can pget warm. pbut it does get real cold at ptimes. p>> harry: when traffic lights pgo out, somebody has got to fix pthem, even in the blowing snow pand frigid temperatures. pyou can see workers doing what pthey have to do, including prepairing this light. pmother nature is not giving him pa break. pthose of us warm and cozy inside pwho want to coat up, somebody phas to deliver them. pand let's not forget about those pthat struggle to keep up with pthe snowfall, shoveling as pneeded. pwe knew it was coming. pthe hawk as it swirls through pand around downtown. p>> it's all right. pi've been doing it for a lot of pyears. p>> reporter: just asked donald pwho is hard at work shoveling pthe snow. pexperience has taught him a few pthings about being out in pdangerously cold temps. p>> gear up. pgear up. ptwo coats. pa couple sweaters.
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pgoing in and out, get warm. pyou know what we have to do. pwe're clevelanders. p>> harry: apparently i've got a pthing or two to learn myself. pi did not wear my thermal punderwear nor scarf around my pneck to help keep me warm. pi guarantee you i will not make pthat mistake again. pin a cold downtown cleveland, pharry boomer, cleveland 19. p>> mark: all right, harry. pthank you very much. pthere was a little bit of good pnews anyway this morning on wall pstreet. pthe dow jones industrial average pjumped about 150 points at the popening bell. pthat's after losing nearly 1500 oints since the start of the pnew year. pso let's check the board for the pclosing numbers here right now. pthe reality is it turns out -- pyou know, at one point we're up pabout 150. pbut 2794 up for the dow. p161602. pso we'll keep an eye on this. pbut the good news is it wasn't pdown. pagain, we were at one point down p500 last week. pso we'll see what happens.
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pcatherine. p>> catherine: thanks, mark. p a cleveland police woman is pbusted for drunk driving. psergeant jerry smith was parrested sunday near east 185th pand st. claire. preports put her blood alcohol pcontent to more than.15%. psmith is assigned to hopkins pairport. pshe is due in court tomorrow. p a brawl on an rta bus in pcleveland between a driver and pone of his passengers. pit happened downtown near west pthird and superior. pwe're told the fight started pwhen a passenger dumped bus pschedules and refused to pick pthem up off the floor. pthe driver is a veteran of the prta. phe is on suspension during the pinvestigation. p well, the presidential pcampaign, of course, is heating pup even more. pyou know, we are just two weeks paway from the iowa caucuses. p>> mark: and republican ted pcruz and donald trump have set ptear ptheir sites on each other. pcraig boswell covering campaign p2016 now. p>> reporter: donald trump says phis biggest campaign.
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alin, but i'm not saying who it pis. p>> reporter: palin, the 2012 pvice-presidential nominee has psupported the bill air in the ast. pin july she wrote trump had ptapped into tradition by pspeaking of concerns of working pclass voters. ptrump's tuesday schedule pincludes three stops in the hawk peye state where he's not easing pup on ted cruz. p>> ted has a rough temperament. pi don't know. pyou can't call people liars on pthe senate floor. p>> reporter: during one of his psix campaign stops in new phampshire tuesday, cruz said ptrump is just worried about his oll numbers. p>> last couple of days he's been pgetting rattled. phe's been throwing insults my pway. pi don't intend to respond in ptime. p>> reporter: but cruz hinted he pwould be willing to offer trump pa job if he wins. p>> we will build a wall and i pactually have somebody in mind pto build it. p [ laughing ]. p>> reporter: cruz has a lead in psome iowa polls. pbut it's popular republican pgovernor, while not endorsing pany candidate, made it clear who
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ptrump tweeted, wow, the highly prespected governor of iowa just pstated ted cruz must be pdefeated. pbig shocker. eople do not like ted. pcraig boswell, cleveland 19. p>> mark: all right, craig. pthanks. p dr. ben carson suspended his pcampaign just for today after a pvan carrying a staffer and three pvolunteers was involved in an paccident. p all right. plet's talk about the cavs now. pyes, tough talk. pbecause that was a horrible game plast night, wasn't it? pthe cavaliers lose big. pthey got crushed by the nba pchamps. pthose nasty golden state pwarriors. pthis was not a pretty game to pwatch at all. pthe cavs just looked lethargic. pnear lifeless sometimes. pthere was no energy on the floor pall night. plebron james led the cavs with p16 points. pbut the warriors stephen curry, phe led all scores setting the ptone real early and finishing pwith 35 points. pthe final score then 132-98. pcoming up in the next half-hour, psports director tony zarrella is
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pdetails what went wrong. papparently a lot did. pthat's coming up at 4:40 in our ptimeout segment. p first alert traffic on pcleveland 19 news is sponsored pby ford. p>> mark: oh, that is a nice plook outside, isn't it? pseeing a little bit of shine pthere. p77 and 480. pwe are dry. pand everything seems to be pmoving along pretty nice. pvolume up just a little bit, as pit usually is at that spot this ptime of day. p two max and irmas is pnortheast ohio have closed. pworkers at the restaurant at pcrocker park and westlake were ptold yesterday. pthe company says the pstreamlining its business plan pand those restaurants just were p-- they were underperforming. p13 max and irmas in ohio and pindiana are closing. p most families tend to pass pcertain things down through pgenerations, lie ke a wedding pring. p>> but what about when the pfamily heirloom is beer.
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punique collection. p>> reporter: this house in ploudounville looks rather punassuming from the street. pa basketball hoop, an american pflag. pall pretty typical for a psuburban home. pwhat makes this house unique is pwhat's in the basement. pbeer cans. pthousands of them. p>> this can collection was palways kind of a family joke pwhenever we were teasing each pother. pwe would say, well, dad wanted pyou to have the beer can pcollection. p>> reporter: his father john pwas more than a great dad and a pworld war ii veteran. pjohn was also a collector. pstarting in 1969, john began pcollecting beer cans and it soon pbecame a family affair. pthis eventually accumulated to pthe 2,500 cans you can see on pthis wall and around 2,800 more pin duplicates. p>> many of them came empty. psome of them he emptied. psome of them i emptied. psome of them my family members pemptied. p>> reporter: his father has psince passed, and now he's
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phome and to find a new owner for pa basement full of emptied cans pwith some valued at hundreds of pdollars. phis only hope for the pcollection's new buyer, someone pto continue his father's legacy. p>> i would love to see somebody pbuy this collection and do the psame thing that dad did with it. pthat ideally is how i'd like to psee it go. psomebody who wants to continue pcollecting and continue adding pto it and appreciates the phistory of beer cans. pthe fact that they are in their pown form pieces of art. pand a unique thing to collect. p>> reporter: in loudounville, psarah goldenberg, cleveland 19. p>> catherine: very neat. pit lacks like they're kind of porganized. p>> mark: absolutely. pthey had stacks of literature to pgo along with it. phow to collect beer cans. p>> catherine: who knew. p if you're interested in pbuying the beer can collection, pwe posted all of the details on p still to come here, a carl
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pin cleveland and it leads to peven more discipline. pworkers are suspended and fired.
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p. p live from cleveland's news pcenter, driven by don joseph ptoyota in kent, this is pcleveland 19 news. p>> mark: the shakeup continues pin the cleveland division of
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psupervision. p>> catherine: it means more pdiscipline for waste collectors pand supervisors. pcarl monday first reported the pabuse and he's here with a pcleveland 19 follow-up. p>> reporter: 18 more waste pcollection workers have now been pdisciplined for bad work habits. pand in some cases, not working pat all. pthe latest round of discipline pincludes two workers who have pbeen terminated and six who were psuspended while others await pdisciplinary hearings. p>> who is watching the workers? p>> we're investigating that now. p>> you are doing it. p>> we are investigating that rocess. p>> reporter: the city promised pto crack down on waste in the pwaste division after our pinvestigation showed workers plike smith abusing the system. pwhat's your last name? p>> that's not important. p>> reporter: because i want to pmake sure i have the right guy. p>> you don't have any time. p>> reporter: while overtime pwasted a million dollars, more pthan double the budgeted amount. psmith was getting paid up to pfour hours overtime on days we
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pseven hours of his regular eight phour shift. pthe city wasted no time in pcanning the waste collector. p>> going about doing their own ersonal business while getting aid by the city of cleveland. pthat's ridiculous. p>> reporter: also getting the pbosses. ptwo foremen were fired along pwith an assistant psuperintendent. pthe man at the top, waste pdivision commissioner randall pscott was reassigned. pthe latest moves in case you're plosing count, 30 waste pcollection employees have now pbeen disciplined since our pinvestigation began. poccurring class of workers are psome that worked off the job on pthe workday, fell asleep on the pjob or refused a job assignment. p>> what is wrong here? psomething is not right in waste pcollection. p>> reporter: at a recent pcommittee meeting where waste poveruse was discussed, a pdivision. p>> every weeks i get calls into pmy office about how poor waste
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pand then i see a 274% increase pin overtime. poff. p>> reporter: the waste division phas a new acting commissioner. pleash. psoon, sources tell us the city padministration will make a push pto privatize waste collection pand turn it over to a private phauler. pcarl monday, cleveland 19. p okay. pnow, are you ready for this? pthe internal revenue service is pnow accepting tax returns. pyes, the tax season opened ptoday, so you might want to pcheck your mail for your w-2 and pother documents. pthere. pcoming up in our next half-hour, pyourself. p now this. psomething you need to see to pbelieve. pgas selling for $0.47 a gallon pin michigan. pyes. p$0.47 a gallon. pthe station owner dropped the rice during a big gas war there pwith another competing station. pthe price was at 140 a gallon ptoday, though.
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phigher last year thanks to the lunging air prices. pdelta said it saved more than p$5 billion in 2015. pother airlines are also saving pmoney over the dramatic drop in pcrude oil prices and that is utting pressure on delta and pthe others to start cutting pticket prices. pwe'll see. p and now we have a cleveland p19 news health alert for you phere. pdoctors warn of a possible phealth danger for people living pin high-rise buildings. pthis actually kind of makes psense. pa new canadian study suggests pthe higher up you live in a pbuilding, the lower your chances pare of surviving a cardiac parrest. pbuilding access, elevated delays pare blamed. pmake sense? pthose living below the third pfloor have the best chance of psurvival. p and a new study tonight pclaims sleeping in on the pweekends is good for you. pyes. presearchers in chicago say pcatching up on your sleep may phelp lower your risk of pdiabetes. pthey found diabetes rates jumped p16% for sleep deprived. pbut healthy young men. pbut their insulin levels preturned to normal after those
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pi'm going to try this out on psaturday and sunday. p>> just try it out. p>> mark: see how it works out. p>> jeff: give it a shot. plet me know how it works out. p>> catherine: there is research pthat says you don't want to do pthat. pyou have to keep your schedule pthe same all of the time. potherwise you're in the ossibility of getting more phealth problems. pwho knows. p hey, the weather is finally pcalming down a bit. p>> jeff: it is. pwe're out of the below zero wind pchill stuff, which is good. p>> catherine: we'll take that. p>> jeff: it's not going to be a phuge warmup. pbut, hey, it's baby steps here. pall right. pwe have another shot of snow on pthe way tomorrow. p20 inches on the ground south pmadison. p16 inches in chardon. pyou get west of cleveland, maybe pan inch out there. pashtabula, claritin township, pmainly east side and willoughby p10 inches.
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pand i do think tomorrow we'll be paround 20 degrees for the high. pbut there is the system, the pdisturbance. pthis is going to bring more snow pout to the west by the time it preaches us. papart. pbut the moisture associated with pthis thing could spark off a plittle more lake-enhanced snow palong the lakeshore and east in pthe afternoon tomorrow. ptemperature wise this evening -- pnow, remember, the wind is going pto be a lot lighter. pbut we'll have to watch out for pthe breaks in the cloud cover phere. pit could drop to right around 10 por so briefly further inland. pbut as the clouds increase, that pwill steady out the temperature. pwe're going to get increasing pclouds again tonight. pi think tomorrow morning when pyou wake up, low to mid teens. pa lot easier weather wise anyway pfor the morning drive. pi have us dropping down to about p14 by morning in cleveland. pincreasing clouds. pand 11 akron-canton. pbut, oh, that's the key.
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ptomorrow afternoon we do have an palert for the threat anyway of pmore lake enhanced snow. plakeshore and east, do i expect psome accumulation. pi'm going 1 to 4 inches into ptomorrow evening. pso travel in the lake-effect pareas. pcould be impacted again. pthat will be in the afternoon. pso we're dry in the morning. pyou see how this falls apart. phere is 10:00 a.m. pand then during the afternoon, pwest and south of cleveland pflurries. pbut along the lakeshore and peast, you see that kind of right phere late afternoon. pthat's when we could get a plittle lake enhanced snow. pi went 1 to 4 inches mainly palong the lakeshore and east ptomorrow. phighs will be right around 20. pso a little bit of lake enhanced psnow mainly east tomorrow night. pand then thursday is looking pquieter with that i a partly cloudy sky pand up to 26 degrees. pfriday even a little milder, but pit does turn windy.
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pthat develops. pthis is going to track south and peast of us. pcould give us a little bit of plight snow friday night. pbut it's not going to be a big psnow are us. pit will give us some wind, i pthink. pover the weekend looking mainly pdry. pwindy on saturday. pmixed sky. p31. p18 saturday night. psunday increasing clouds and 33. pthat's more like it. pthat's at least where we should pbe. pmonday cloudy, 35. pcould see some snow next tuesday pand 31 degrees. pcatherine. p>> catherine: okay. pjeff. pthank you.
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p. p now it's time for the buzz psponsored by national carpet pmill outlet.
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plegends returning to the big pscreen and a big day for a music psuperstar. p>> mark: yes. pbut the buzz begins with pmadonna. pthe material girl showed up more pthan three hours late for a pshow. p music pshe apologized blaming it on a ptechnical problem but many in pthe audience were not too happy pincluding singer reba mcintyre. p my goodness. pbirthdays go out to dolly par pton. pshe is turning 70 years young. pshe is best known for her voice, pher acting skills and her pamusement park. pyou can't forget dolly wood.
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p a huge crowd turned out in pchina for kung fu panda iii. p one of the greatest teams in pmovie history will soon be pheading to a theater near you. pwe're talking about stan laurel pand oliver hardy. pthe duo starred in films in the p1920s all the way to the 1950s. pjust one of those things that p>> mark: it doesn't. pi wonder who they'll get to play pthose two characters. pthat will be interesting. p>> catherine: very interesting. pso much fun. p coming up here on cleveland p19 news, irs scam alert. pthat time of year. pa tax agency with the warning pabout some threatening phone pcalls, and there are several
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pthis half-hour, here are some of pthe top stories making news here ptoday. p>> catherine: finally the plake-effect snow is binding pdown. pbut -- winding down. pbut, oh, boy, the cold pconditions continue. p7 be p7 below to 5 degrees above zero. pit's not easy for anyone who pworks outside to stay warm. p the cavaliers got blown away plast night and embarrassed by pgolden state clobbered pcleveland. pit was just the cavs second loss pin 11 games. pfinal score 132-98. ptomorrow night. p massive overnight abuse and pmore by city garbage collectors pin cleveland and it led to major pdiscipline. pseveral have been suspended and pothers have been terminated. p a proposed new law would phide the address of domestic pviolence victims to help repeat pattacks. p>> mark: a woman is looking to pmake the law after her children
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p>> reporter: june 8th, 2009, pjames mamone found his ex-wife's paddress and then murdered their ptwo young children and her pmother. pwhen a jury sentenced him to pdeath, he offered no apologies. p>> i had a reason to kill them. p>> reporter: 38 states pcurrently have confidentiality rograms. pthis lawyer specializes in pdomestic violence cases. p>> any time you have advancing ptechnologies and you have the prelease of personal information pby governments, by courts, it pwill be -- it is extremely easy pfor an abuser to get a victim's paddress and other confidential pinformation. p>> reporter: but ohio leaders pare now pushing for a change. plawmakers have proposed a bill pthat will allow violence victims pto have their addresses protect.
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pcould apply for an unknown paddress. pthen the secretary of state pwould forward their mail to the preal address. pif the bill passes, ohio could pfollow the lead of other states pthat have seen some success. p>> from what i have heard, these paddress confidentiality programs phelp victims who want to prelocate, move forward with ptheir lives, creates safety nets pfor these victims and on balance pwork very well in helping tim's address. p>> reporter: in cleveland, pshanice dunning, cleveland 19. p>> mark: shanice, thanks. p38 states use some sort of laws pto help protect crime victims. pwe'll keep you posted on the peffort here in ohio. p a cleveland woman accused of pchild endangerment headed to ptrial today. pcrystal anderson beat her p4-year-old's son last january. pfrom the beating and had to have pmultiple surgeries.
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pthe boy despite promising not to pleave anderson alone with miky. panderson claims he fell in the ptub. p the trial of a nanny accused pof leaving two kids in a hot car pis under way. pshe left the kids back in the pcar back in october while she pwent into a tanning salon. pshe's charged with child pendangering again, but the pchildren were not hurt. p all right. pwe still have some leftover pflurries right here in eastern plake county around madison and pthompson. pyou can see it still trying to pbreak apart. pi think that trend will pcontinue. pbut just add insult to injury pout here, it's still snowing at pleast a little bit. pbut you're good to go, even in pthe snow belt tonight. p16 at 7:00. p14 at 10:00. pand we have low to mid teens in pthe forecast here over night. pnotice as we head towards pmorning it starts to creep up a plittle bit. pthat's because we have pincreasing clouds in advance of pthis next disturbance.
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pwest wind 16. pstill a little blustery along pthe lakeshore. pthe trend is for the wind to go pdown. pakron-canton 18. pand west wind there at 13. pthere you see a little bit of psun that we have. pin independence quieter night. pcalmer wind. pafternoon tomorrow. pokay. pso morning commute we're looking pgood. pand then we dry out on thursday pbefore we turn our attention to pthe big east coast storm. pand that can give the big cities pout east some major snow over pthe weekend. pall right. p10:00 a.m., here you see this plittle guy. pflurries west and south. pbut there could be a little lake penhanced snow that develops palong the lakeshore and east. pand that will mainly be during pthe late afternoon and early pevening here. pso we'll keep an eye on it. pi think they'll be enough pmoisture for that travel in pthose lake-effect areas. pcould get dicey for a little pwhile but it's not going to be pwhat we just dealt with. pi'm going with about 1 to 4
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pafternoon and right around 20 pfor the high. pmark. p>> mark: all right. pjeff, thank you. p you know, you think the cold pis bad here. pdo not go to chicago. pwind chills there 20 to 25 pdegrees pdegrees below 0. peven that is not keeping people pinside. pskaters showed up at the ice prink at wicker park. p>> it was too cold to go skiing pso we went skated and here we pare. p>> i've been here 38 years. phave to deal with the weather pand keep it moving. p>> mark: okay. pthat's what people at this popup pshop did. phundreds waited outside in bone pchilling weathers to eat at hot pdogs. pwhy not. p we told you earlier this phour today marks the first day pof tax filing season. pscammers are trying to take padvantage already. p>> catherine: oh, yeah. pand the biggest phone fraud in pthe u.s. is growing and the pnumber of victims are from right phere. pchip reid with the details. p>> the irs is calling me? pis this for real? p>> reporter: the treasury
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pservice announcement to warn ptaxpayers about phone scammers pwho claim to be irs agents. p>> hang up on fraud. p>> who are these people making pthese calls? p>> they're just ruthless pcriminals. pand they really don't care about eople. pthey don't care about anything pother than trying to intimidate pyou into paying them money. p>> reporter: north carolina astor al caden told us last pyear he was so scared he pcouldn't sleep well. p>> this will end up in a legal pmess for you. p>> reporter: he did call back. p>> she was informing me that pthey were filing a warrant for pmy arrest. p>> reporter: so over the next pseven hours, he made multiple pwithdrawals from his bank and psent the money to the irs pimpersonators with prepaid debit pcards. pthe total? p$16,000. pand caden is far from alone. pin march of last year, about p366,000 people had been called
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pnow it's more than 900,000. pand the total amount of money pstolen has grown from 15 million pto more than $26 million. p>> what should tip people off pthat this is a scam? p>> the tipoff is if you don't ay immediately, you're going to pgo to jail. pthat is the tipoff. pthe irs will never make a ptelephone call like that. p>> reporter: chip reid, cbs pnews, washington. p>> catherine: if you do get a pcall like that, just hang up. pauthorities say the scam started pin india but it has become so rofitable it has spread to pcopycats all over the world. pagain, something like this seems pto happen every year. pand the more and more ptechnologically advanced we get, pthe worst they get. p>> mark: they never ask for pmoney. pthey want green dot cards. pthey want you to put the money pon the card which is slowing the ptrail down. p>> catherine: they're smart. pthey're very smart. pwe have to be smarter. p>> mark: hang up. p coming up on cleveland 19 pnews, superbowl security threat. pwhat the feds are saying about
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p. p now for a quick timeout with pramone pramone and tony. p>> mark: romona is off again ptoday.
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promona that said we did okay. p>> tony: we did okay? pthat's good. pi can tell you what she's doing pright now. precovering from the cavaliers pgame. p>> mark: that was pitiful. p>> tony: it's alarming. plisten, it was a brutal loss. pthey were consistent, by the pway. pthey were down 20 in the second pquarter, 30 in the second pquarter, 40 in the fourth pquarter. pi'm glad they don't play five. pthey have now lost five pstraight. pthe warriors the defending are pthe standing champions. pto lose in this fashion on your phome court and then have the pcoach say after the game we just pweren't mentally prepared to lay. pi don't know how that's ossible. pi think that to me raises psomewhat of a red flag. pnow, the bleacher report came pout after watching steph curry pdo that. pdid you see this? p>> mark: no, i did not see it. p>> tony: it had a picture of plebron from phenome to icon to pirrelevant.
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p>> mark: it is. pthe worst night in lebron's phistory as far as deficits. pnever been down that far. p>> tony: never been down by 43 pit was a bad night. pi'm not shaking it off. pi think right now you have to pwonder -- i mean, certainly if pthey play the spurs or the pwarriors, they match up better pwith the spurs. p>> mark: right. p>> tony: but they don't play plet's be clear about this. pthey have a long way to go and plebron admitted it. p>> mark: that was an ugly game. pit did not look library ke -- it plooked like they said let's go lay basketball against the pwarriors. phe pwe talked with seven months if pwe had kyrie irving and kevin plove in the final, things pwouldn't be different. pthose guys gave you a total of p11 points last night against the pjune if you make it that far pthat you can beat and instead on poff.
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pam i going to put too much into pit. pno. pbut i think right now you have pto admit there's a gap, a psignificant one, between the pcavaliers and the warriors. p>> mark: let's talk about psomething positive. poh, no, it's the browns. p>> tony: oh, no. p>> mark: i want to make sure. p>> tony: ray gordon was back in ptown. pi liked him. pdefense did good things. p>> mark: very good. p>> tony: ray was back. pby the way, jim schwartz has ptaken the same position pdecoordinator in philly. pcross him off the list. pbut that's okay. pbecause ray horton is at the top pof the browns list. pso if he does decide to bail on pthe titans, there's a pretty pgood shot he will. pthen he'll be back here. pi like what hue jackson is pdoing. p>> mark: it is a positive p>> tony: do you know what hue pis doing? phe's bringing in people that phave been in the division pbefore. pit matters to know the style of ay in this division. pto know how deep the rivalries pare and, most importantly, how pto beat those other guys.
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pthere you go. promona, i hope you enjoyed that. pover to you now catherine. p>> catherine: how about this otential problems for the psuperbowl. pa san francisco tv station preports the fbi and homeland psecurity are worried about ossible threats to football's pbiggest game of the year. pand intelligence bulletin was pleaked out and one potential psecurity threats the drones many eople got for christmas. pvandals could cut fiberoptic pcables and shut down the pinternet. pthe biggest fear is one or more ersons somehow slipping through pa security crack. p>> it's the lone wolf. pthe individual who is self pradicalized that creates a roblem that you can't detect. pthere's only so much that the pfbi can do as far as electronic psurveillance within the pguidelines of the constitution. p>> catherine: so, of course, pthere will be heavy police resence at the game plus pfederal, state and city law penforcement are all planning to pexpect. p denise is here. p>> denise: all right. pa lot coming up at 5:00 tonight,
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pyou know, it's hard enough for eople to handle these bitter pcold temperatures. pstay warm out there. pbut what about one city roposing a crack down on panimals left out in the cold? p plus the heroin epidemic pcontinues to spread across the pcountry. ptonight we're going to show you phow one state is experimenting pwith a new treatment. pit can stop those cravings. p and is your password hack roof? p>> catherine: i don't know. pif you don't change it. p>> denise: we'll have clues on psafe. pthat's coming up tonight at p5:00. p>> mark: very good. pwe'll be right pdownload the cleveland 19 news papp sponsored by kisling, pnestico and redick. hurt in a
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p the horseshoe rep says it pneeds 50 part-time table dealers pand the six week of training is pnecessary. pthe casino is looking for ositive people who really enjoy pinteracting with the public. p all right. pnow this controversy clouding pthe oscars. pthe president of the academy is romising to make some changes. p>> mark: yes. eople aren't happy with the plist of all white acting pnominees with the promise of pchange may not be enough to pquiet the growing calls for a pboycott. pdon champion with the pcontroversy now. p>> reporter: the president of pthe academy of motion pictures parts and sciences is promising pmore diversity. p>> we're all disappointed. pi mean, last thursday was a plittle bit of a shock. p>> reporter: in a statement pmonday, sheryl boone isaacs pwrote of this year's all white pacting nominees. pi am both heartbroken and pfrustrated with the lack of pconclusion. pit comes with a boycott. pactress jada pink et smith says
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p>> begging for acknowledgment or peven asking diminishes dignity. p>> reporter: spike lee also lans to sit out. pmonday in an instagram post, he pwrote as i see it, the academy pawards is not where the real pbattle is. pit's in the executive office of pthe hollywood studios and tv and pcable networks. poscar nominees are chosen by a p6200 member voting body. p93% of whom are white. p74% male. pthe director spoke about the pcontroversy in paris last night. phis film the revenant is pnominated for best picture. p>> when we can see our self in pthe cinema, there's something pgoing wrong. pi think a lot of things has to pbe improved. p>> reporter: the academy says pit's now taking drastic steps to palter the makeup of its pmembership. pdon champion, cleveland 19. p>> mark: don, thanks. pcomedian chris rock is scheduled pto host the academy awards again
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ressure to bow out. p all right. pwe're going to focus on the pseven day forecast here. pthat's good. pwe'll be right around 20. pnow, there is a shot of snow pnot for everybody, though. pat least not accumulating snow. pbut along the lakeshore and peast, you may get a little lake penhanced snow. pit's not going to be a big plake-effect situation like we pjust dealt with. p7:00 a.m., 14. pnoon, cloudy. p18. pand 5:00 that's when we're going pto get some snow showers in phere. pright around 20. pand the wind is going to be retty light as well. artly cloudy thursday and 26. pbig east coast storm wraps up on pfriday into saturday. pthis will bring us some wind and erhaps a little light snow on pfriday late day evening. pbut that does not appear to be a pbig snow threat for us. p31 will be the high on saturday.
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pand on sunday a mix of clouds pand sun and 33 degrees out pthere. pso we're getting at least back pto where we should be this time pof year. pmonday cloudy sky. p35. pand then there is a threat of psome snow next tuesday. pso an alert there. pso i have an alert tomorrow pafternoon for the lakeshore pareas. pand then again at the tail end pof the seven day on tuesday. pbut one thing you see on the ptemperature trend there, we lose pthe arctic air. pthat's actually going to go paway. pso the worst of that is over. pand as you can see, we'll get pback into the 30s over the pweekend and early next week. p>> mark: that's going to feel pnice. p>> catherine: a bit of a break. p>> jeff: there you go. pyou're welcome. p>> mark: thanks, jeff. p coming up on cleveland 19 pnews, final jeopardy fail. pyou heard alex talking about pthis in a promo a little bit pago. pthe question that tripped up all pthree contestants on a popular pgame show.
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like family... health care customer service caller: hi this is patricia ramirez. operator: oh, patricia! i love patricia! colleague 2: when is she getting marr ied? operator: it's about time, lady! this is the real question: how's that man you're dating? where's the ring? ...we mean more like this. operator: we can do this together. i'll schedule an appointment with the diabetes specialist, ok? member: thank you. you deserve compassion. you deserve molina healthcare, your extended family. medicaid. medicare. marketplace. for more information,
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p. p welcome back. pwe have a special treat tomorrow pfor sky walkers. pfive planets lining up right
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pmercury, venus, saturn, mars and pjupiter will all be visible, but pjust for about 45 minutes. pit will be the first time they pappear together in the predawn psky. p break out the kernls. ptoday is national popcorn day. paccording to the popcorn board, pi didn't know there was one, pyes, there really is, americans peat an estimated 14 billion pquarts of popcorn a year. pthat's about 41 quarts for every pman, woman and child. pthat's a lot of kernels. p>> mark: just doing my part. p now a final jeopardy fail. pall of the contestants risks it pall and they lost it all in the plast round. p>> mark: so the answer was a p1957 event led to the creation pof a national historic site in pthis city. psigned into law by a president pwhose library is now there too. pnobody knew the question. p>> all right, randy, we come to pyou first.
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pwith the correct response. pyou said what is -- p>> mark: the question is what pis little rock, arkansas. pthe president was bill clinton. pit means three new contestants pare on tonight's show. p>> catherine: i wonder how poften that happens. pyou have to wonder what the pquestion makers deal with as pconsequences for that. p>> mark: if i am sitting there pand alex trebek with all of the panswers being condescending. p>> catherine: he is kind of pthat way. p>> mark: he didn't know either. p coming up on cleveland 19 pnews at 5:00, sinus infections
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